The Sacred Skull
People in mentawai put few monkey skull in front or inside their house to prevent the house itself from attacking and to make the population of monkey increase. Because as the time goes the population of monkey in mentawai forest decrease so badly. Now consider we lucky if we can saw any monkey in there. The population nearly gone and they choose to hide more often.
This skull is so simple but so sacret, we try to ask they one of their skull because they are so many skull in one house at mentawai. More than 50 pieces of head monkey skull each house. They said if we take one of the skull the population of monkey in the forest will greatly decrease.
Monkey is one of the delicious and healthy food in mentawai beside pig and dog.
Pulang dari greja, om Utu pe dua mata bangka deng' biru merah, sampe de pe istri kage skali...
Kong om Utu pe istri, tanta Mintje tanya "Utu, kiapa sampe bagitu tu' mata ?"Om Utu : "Tadi kwa di greja samantara manyanyi, tiba tiba ada cewek fasung maso deng rok pendek skali, maar de pe rok dang', ada tamaso kadalam pa de pe panta, karna dia badiri pas pa kita pe muka, jadi kita hela akang de pe rok supaya rapi dang..., maar tu' cewek malah 'da tinju akang kamari 'tu mata sablah kiri..."
Tanta Mintje : "Maar, kiapa 'tu mata kanan bangka dang...?"
Om Utu : "Karna kita kira dia nyanda' suka 'da hela de pe rok, kong terpaksa kita kase maso ulang tu rok kadalang..., kong dia tinju tu mata sablah..."